This data is based on PropertyData postcode district sales and rental turnover. The number represents the percentage of advertised housing stock that is either sold or rented out each month. For example if sales turnover is 25, it means on average a property will sell in 4 months. If rental turnover is 110, it means it will rent in under 1 month.
There is not as much rent turnover as sales turnover data. So if you don’t see rent turnover data for an area you’re interested in, look at the sales turnover for the corresponding area.
Important! This data constantly changes. For up-to-date data you should get a free trial of PropertyData here.

Liverpool Manchester Sheffield Leeds Doncaster Hull rent turnover per month

Norwich Cambridge Bedford Northampton Milton Keynes Rent turnover

Gloucester bath Bristol Swindon Reading Milton Keynes Oxford Aylesbury rent turnover

Bournemouth Southampton Portsmouth Brighton Worthing Crawley rent turnover

Plymouth Falmouth Exeter rent turnover

Greater London rent turnover per month

Stoke-on-Trent Birmingham Derby Nottingham Leicester Coventry Peterborough rent turnover per month

Liverpool Manchester Leeds Doncaster whole rent turnover per month

Newcastle Middlesbrough Carlisle rent turnover per month

Newcastle Stockton-on-Tees Carlisle sales turnover per month

Exeter Plymouth sales turnover per month

Bristol Cardiff Bournemouth Southampton Portsmouth sales turnover per month

Greater London sales turnover per month

Northampton Milton Keynes Cambridge Norwich sales turnover per month

Stoke-on-Trent Derby Nottingham Leicester Birmingham Coventry sales turnover per month

Sheffield Hull sales turnover per month

Liverpool Manchester Sheffield Leeds Blackpool sales turnover per month