Offer email templates

Example offers emails sent to estate agents when offering to purchase a property. See bottom of this page for the templates.

Q. Why do such a comprehensive letter?
A. Sellers want reliable buyers.  The offer email has to tell a story about the potential purchaser.  The critical information they need:

– How financially strong is the buyer?
– Do they have a well-paid job?
– Where are they from?
– Do they make ‘my’ life easier by submitting documentation?
– Do they have a conveyancing lawyer and surveyor ready to go? Why? It speeds up the conveyancing process.

If the offer email answers all these questions…the selling agent is more likely to recommend your offer to the seller.


We need certain information from you

1. Buy to let mortgages
Q 1. Are you purchasing with a limited company or personal buy to let mortgage?
A. Yes? go to 1a or 1b or 1c
A. No? Cash only? Go to 4: ‘Proof of funds’

Q.1a. Is it Gatehouse bank?
A. 1a1. If Gatehouse bank, you need a suitable conveyancing solicitor. We recommend Hosanna Ho.
A 1a2. If Gatehouse bank, what loan to value do you wish to borrow up to?

Q.1b. Is it Hampshire trust bank?
A. If Hampshire trust bank, you need a suitable conveyancing solicitor who is on the HTB solicitor panel. Lightfoots are the best choice based on client feedback.

Q.1c. Or another lender?
A.1c1. If another lender, do they ask for their own preferred solicitors to handle commencing? If so who are these solicitors?
A. 1c2. If another lender

– you will need proof of funds to show you have a mortgage deposit/the means to purchase. See ‘2. Proof of funds’
– it helps to have a nominated conveyancing lawyer when making an offer so estate agents can generate the memorandum of sale quickly. It also shows agents that you are organised and have planned properly.


2. Loan to value
Q. 2a. Assuming you are purchasing with a mortgage , what loan to value do you wish to offer with?
Important: Remember that minimum mortgage size is usually £100,000. Check with your mortgage adviser for more information.
A. 2a1: 80%? If £100k minimum mortgage size:
A. 2a2: 75%?
A. 2a3: 70%?
A. 2a4: 65%?
a. 2s5: Other amount. What LTV?


3. We also ask for some ‘personal’ information about you. The reason; it helps ‘paint’ a story about you for sellers.

3a – Your occupation? People always ask ‘what do you do for a living?’ And if you tell the agent, it helps reinforce your credibility.

3b – How much you earn per month. This is especially important if you are buying with finance. Generally international buyers earn more than UK people. So it is likely your salary will be far higher than a local persons. this shows you are a strong buyer. Tip: giving me your salary in local currency is best.

3c – Previous experience buying property in the UK? If you understand the UK property market, this helps.
If you have properties in the UK, it’s helpful to give us the postcode of the property. By listing the postcode is for properties you already own, it shows that you do have property! We don’t need the exact addresses, just the postcode.


Whenever we submit an offer, we ask for certain documents:

4. – Proof of funds.
— This should be a PDF download, because it’s harder to fake and more trustworthy for the agent.
— It’s helpful to have the most recent bank statements possible.


5. – Proof of identity.
— This should be a scan of a passport.
— And it’s helpful to have a selfie with you holding up the passport, so the agent can see you and the passport are the same people.
— best of all is a certified copy of your passport. This is done by photocopying your passport. Then get a solicitor/lawyer/notary to sign the photocopied passport and then scan the signed document.


5. – Proof of address.
Whilst this isn’t strictly necessary, having a scan or PDF download of your utility bill showing your proof of address reassures the agent.


6. – If you making a part financed/mortgage offer
We need an agreement in principle/decision in principle from the bank who is prepared to lend to you.
Sidenote: Based on our experience, you don’t need the agreement in principle for the specific property you are offering on. Just try too get a decision in principle for the maximum loan amount possible from the bank. The larger the sum of money you present in the DIP/AIP , the stronger you appear to be as a buyer.

Finally, as you see the constant theme is being a strong buyer. It’s counterintuitive, but strong buyers will get better deals with better terms than weaker buyers. Sadly, the marketplace can be brutal.

Anyhow, once we have all this information we can send the best possible offer email.

Offer with finance

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to make an offer on behalf of my client, XXXXXXXXXXXX (copied in), for the purchase of [Full address of property] at a price of £YY,YYY.

For reference, the property is listed on the [Rightmove/Zoopla] website at the following link:

My client intends to purchase the property using a XX% loan to value buy-to-let mortgage through their limited company, XXXXXXXXX.

I would like to provide some information about my client:

My client presents proof of funds amounting to £XXX,XXXGBP.
They have XX years of experience as a landlord with property in XXX XXX, XXX XXX, XXX XXX.
They are employed as an XXXXXXXXXX for XXXXXXXXXX and earn approximately £X,XXX per month.
They are a citizen of XXXXXXXXXX.

Their conveyancing solicitor is:

[details of solicitor: Name of contact, address, phone number and email]

Their preferred surveyors are Cosey Homes Surveyors, and the primary contact is Kit Lam, who can be reached at 01744 412 700 or via email at [email protected].

The following documents are attached to this email:

  • A scanned copy of my client’s certified XXXXXXX passport
  • A certified bank statement showing proof of funds of £XX,XXX
  • A decision in principle from XXXXXXXXXXXX authorising lending up to £XXX,XXX
  • Proof of address

Please note that my client has been copied into this offer email, and this offer is subject to contract.

Best regards,

Cash Offer

Dear Sir/Madam,

My client, XXXXXXXXX, wishes to purchase the property located at XXXXXXXXXXXXX for £XXX,XXX, which they intend to buy with cash through XXXXX.

They are based in XXXX XXXX, have a valid passport

They provide proof of funds amounting to £XXX,XXX.

Additionally, They have XX years of experience as a landlord with properties in XXXX XXXX.

Their conveyancing solicitor is [details of solicitor: Name of contact, address, phone number and email]

Their preferred surveyors are Cosey Homes Surveyors, and the primary contact is Kit Lam, who can be reached at 01744 412 700 or via email at [email protected].

Attached are the following documents:

  • Consolidated statement from XXXXXXX bank
  • Certified copy of passport
  • Utility bill showing proof of address

Please note that this offer is subject to contract.

Thank you,

Either email the necessary information in this form to [email protected] or complete the form and email the documents separately to Nick.

Nick needs all this information before making an offer. It’s best to organise this in advance so when an offer is in play, everyone has enough time to stay calm and focused.

Once you send Nick this information, he will reuse your this information on every offer unless you tell him otherwise.



All the info we need for you to make an offer

Important to remember: It's likely you will need to make multiple offers on properties before you have an accepted offer. So, I need information which I can reuse in each of my offer emails. 

When a property has been viewed and you want to offer, I will message with you on WhatsApp to confirm how much you want to offer and any other details specific to that property. 

When an offer needs to be made, there is usually very little time and a lot of pressure to make the right decisions. That's why I will need to message with you on WhatsApp, confirming any essential details before making an offer. 

Offering with
How are you buying?

Mortgages & Conveyancing Lawyer.

This might be 75% loan to value.
Have you a mortgage decision in principle yet? (DIP/AIP)
Important. We can use a decision in principle for any number of property offers. Reason; Agents only care that in principle you can get mortgage finance. so you do not need to obtain a new decision in principle/agreement in principle every time you offer on a property .
Which bank are you borrowing from?
HTB - Have you asked your mortgage adviser which conveyancing solicitor you should use?
HTB Prefer mortgage applications using a lawyer from their panel of conveyancing lawyers. I.e. Lightfoots.
if you haven't asked your mortgage adviser which conveyancing lawyer you should use, please do. From experience I know that Hampshire trust bank definitely prefer conveyancing lawyers from their own panel of lawyers.
The reason: HTB have workflow integration with these selected lawyers, which shortens  mortgage processing time dramatically!
HTB Prefer mortgage applications using a lawyer from their panel of conveyancing lawyers. I.e. Lightfoots. Have you confirmed conveyancing lawyers with your mortgage adviser?
Gatehouse bank have complex conveyancing requirements. This means only certain conveyancing lawyers are prepared to take on this business. Have you checked that your lawyer is prepared to accept Gatehouse bank business?
If you do not have a nominated lawyer, Nick can suggest a few law firms.

Other details

Proof of funds
I need proof of funds in PDF format which will have been downloaded from your bank account or accounts. And these should be emailed to me for security and privacy reasons. They do not need to be certified at this stage. As a rule, the greater your proof of funds, the stronger you are as a buyer. Email docs to [email protected]
Other documents
This helps tell a story about you, so the selling agent or vendor can relate to you more easily.
Any previous buy to let properties in the UK?
Sellers like knowing that you have experience buying property in the UK. It makes you a more knowledgeable and reliable buyer.
Have you preferred Conveyancing lawyers?
Do you have conveyancing lawyers that you've been recommended? If so, please list their details. If not, we can recommend one for you.
If you don't have a conveyancing lawyer, we can nominate one for you
If you don't have conveyancers/Property lawyers in mind, Nick can nominate one. Please ask him.
Have you preferred surveyors?
It helps to have property surveyors ready to go. If an offer is accepted on a property, you should have a condition survey.
If you don't have surveyors in mind, Nick can nominate a surveyor. Please ask him.
Final check...Have you sent or will you send Nick...
If buying with the mortgage. Have you sent or will you send Nick...
  • Please:
    email this information to [email protected]
  • message me via WhatsApp to tell me you have emailed this information 07814029751

Important! If you've already emailed this information for a previous offer, I will assume your next offer uses all the previous information. If you need to change something, please message him!

I hope this form is useful and many thanks.
PS you will get a copy of this information via your email