About booking a property viewing
We share properties on a WhatsApp group. If somebody is interested in buying the property, they message us so we can organise a property viewing.
How the booking system works
- If you like a property, tell us and we will check to see if the property is available for viewing.
- If the property is available to view, we give you our comments.
- We book in a viewing with viewber.co.uk, paying them £45. Example report
- We invoice you for £45. We send you a copy of the paid Viewber receipt
- The invoices are sent via Stripe.com
- You pay the invoice and we keep a record of payments from you.
- When we complete on a property, we offset the viewing costs against our consultancy fees.
- Viewber does the viewing.
- You get the report and our comments/advice. Examples: Property assessments playlist
- If you like the property, you make an offer. Nick Garner will do the negotiation.
- If you don’t like the property, you move onto the next deal
What to expect when a viewing is done:
- Our assessment including suggested renovation costs & offer price
- A video tour of the property
- Highlights of any potential issues
- Condition assessment
More detail on the booking process:
- We share properties on a WhatsApp group.
- If you are interested in buying the property, message us so we can organise a property viewing.
- One of the team: Nick or Martin will contact the agent for viewing availability.
- If the property is available to view, we provisionally book the viewing with the agent
- We then book the viewing in with Viewber and pay the viewing fee of £45
- We then send you an invoice from Stripe which can be paid by card.
- If helpful, we will do a quick five minute video assessment of the property and share it with you
- We then give you the details from the viewing and make recommendations on a suitable offer price
Very important! If you pay for the viewing, this property will not be offered to anyone else in our investors group. You will get exclusivity on the property. We will not make offers on behalf of anyone else except you.
What to expect when a viewing is done:
- Invesmore assessment of the property
- Viewber video tour of the property
- Viewber Highlights of any potential issues
- Viewber condition assessment
Important points:
- If the viewing is cancelled for some reason by Viewber and we are refunded, we will give you a full refund or use the credit against another future viewing
- All the accumulated viewing fees you had paid us will be offset against Consultancy fees when one of your property acquisitions through us completes
- We do not make any profit from Viewber. We only wish to reimburse viewing costs.
Case examples
Viewing cancelled.
Let’s say you book a viewing. The viewing is cancelled because the seller has accepted an offer. And Viewber refund us because the viewing has been cancelled.
You can either
- Have a refund for the cost of the viewing
- Or it will be credited to your account and that viewing fee will pay for the next viewing we do on your behalf.
Offer not accepted.
For example, you might undertake five viewings on five properties where you make offers on every property. Let’s say that your offer is accepted on one property, then when that property completes, you would be refunded £225 ( £45 x 5 viewings) against the cost of our invoice.