About Invesmore Real Estate




Nick Garner

Co-Founder Invesmore. Marketing & Technology

Nick is an entrepreneur with a background in online marketing and technology. He originated the Invesmore brand and the technology behind InvesFinder, our property  analysis system. Nick has done well in property development and is now building a medium/large property portfolio.


Martin Spasovski

Lead property analyst

Martin is a qualified surveyor and has spent the last six years specialising in property analysis using geographical information systems (GIS). He heads up our property analysis workflow.


James Birch

Co-Founder Invesmore Real Estate

Jamie, a successful estate agent helped set up Invesmore Real Estate. He uses his negotiation skills to help clients buy the right properties at the right price. Jamie has a medium sized property portfolio.


David Cookson

Co-Founder Invesmore. Sales and Operations.

Dave Is a successful businessman with a background in financial services and property investment.  He oversees sales and operations for the whole Invesmore business including real estate and renovations. Dave has a medium-sized property portfolio.


Tobie Birch

Head of Wellbeing

Tobie specialises in being cute and fluffy in the office. It makes everyone feel happier. He has a portfolio of dog toys and is always seeking new acquisitions.

Invesmore also has several researchers, technologists and a growing number of account managers.

Founder stories

The idea for a better way of finding profitable property deals came from Nick Garner.  He sold a crypto currency casino and semi retired. Bored, he started analysing UK investment property. He read numerous books, hung out at property meet ups and quizzed friends about property investment. But, the information was unsatisfying.

Nick always liked data, so he started analysing property related data to work out what the most profitable deals might be and where to find them. Nick pulled together a development team and started building the InvesFinder property search system.

The InvesFinder system has scaled since it’s inception. It analyses 34,000 neighbourhoods throughout England and Wales.  It can identify areas which are worsening or improving.  And the system can run sophisticated analyses on 1000’s of properties every second.  During the early development phase of InvesFinder, Nick reached out to David Cookson an old professional contact.

Dave is a successful businessman and property investor And became a ‘real estate mentor’ to Nick. From this collaboration Invesmore has emerged. Dave has been critical to forming the infrastructure and sales processes for Invesmore.

Jamie Is a lifelong friend of Dave’s and has been an estate agent for around 20 years. Jamie has his own estate agency.  Initially Jamie’s Role was to validate InvesFinder’s findings.  Depending on the results, we would adjust algorithms and settings till they matched Dave and Jamie’s expectations. And later on Jamie has been formative in setting up and successfully running Invesmore Real Estate.

As  the InvesFinder system evolved, we started working with Brendan Neely. He has been a surveyor for 20 years, he has a large property portfolio. Brendan has extraordinary knowledge of property valuations.  He helped us evolve a very accurate property valuation algorithm that we use for determining offer prices on properties. These are 51 golden rules we follow when reviewing property.  Some of the rules are baked into our algorithms.

Finally, we have Tobie who is a canine.  Ever eager to please, he helps make the office a happier place.

Looking for new investment property? Or a new home you might rent out? We find more investment deals than any other property consulting business in the UK.

James Birch – Invesmore Real Estate

Find out more.  Book your free 30 minute consultation.

  • Contact Us Page
  • For property consulting services email nick@invesmore.com
  • Whatsapp or text Nick: 07814 029751
  • Or phone Nick. But remember, he is very busy: 07814 029751